Our Objectives
(I) Spiritual Formation, and Direction Young Adults often experience disillusionment with everyday world and an emptiness in their work, and career Through brotherhood fellowship, and our faith tradition with the Eucharist as its center is the rich foundation of spiritual life. we strive to lead people to ever more intimate communion with God. Continue nurturing life-long spiritual formation, significant discernment time can lead young leaders to became a critical thinker, and spiritual being.
(II) Evangelizing Outreach We provide a re-experience opportunity for “Once Catholic? and non-believers through welcoming environment. Along the way, we want to walk with the participants as they sort through their issues with the Church by spiritual guidance, and we will collaborate with other (Arch)diocesan organizations to promote evangelization events.
(III) Prayer and Worship We assist people to develop and deepen the liturgical life, through the key ingredients of music, and life-giving prayer. We facilitate the worshipful human response to the perceived presence of God in the assembly of the church. To lead the congregation into a greater and better awareness of the presence of God in our services and fellowship and to create and promote an atmosphere that is conducive to such a worshipful response.
(VI) Pastoral Counseling We provide quality pastoral care and counseling for individuals, couples, and families. We integrate professional counseling with spirituality to bring forth healing and wholeness. Our therapists assist those individuals who seek greater understanding and healing in personal and spiritual problems. “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my voke upon you and learn from me, and I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.?Matt 11-28-30
(V) Inter-Faith Dialogue We promote better understanding and cooperation among peoples of all faiths, it efforts known as Inter-religious Relations. Through prayer services, and dialogue, restore Christian unity which Jesus prayed, known as Ecumenism.
(IV) Vocation We aid global Asian Catholic communities a new steps promoting vocations of Diocesan Priesthood, Consecrated Life, and Permanent Diaconate by motivating, encouraging, and preparing youth and young adult for their vocation journeys.