

天行者國際使團 (Emmanuel Apostolatus) 由一羣熱心的天主教平信徒於1995年秋天在美國成立的天主教機構,並於2001年的五旬節在香港展開培育青年及基督徒合一牧靈服務。天行者訂立2000主顯節為團體成立紀念日。主顯節是基督向萬民顯露道成肉身的時刻,亦是勇於追隨基督召叫的日子。
  Emmanuel即「主與您同在」,Apostolatus 即「使徒團體」,兩個字加起來就突顯「天地萬物的主宰與您同行的使徒團體」的神恩,簡稱「天行者使團」。在梵蒂岡第二屆大公會議所公佈的四個憲章、九個法令、三項宣言指出,每一位領洗的教友是被召叫跟隨耶穌基督,依照福音去生活且使他人也感受到。


一.  信仰培育與牧靈成長 (Discernment, Formations, and Pastoral Counseling);
二.  外展性福傳 (Outreach Evangelizing);
三.  祈禱與禮儀生活 (Prayer, and Worship);
四.  推動普世合一運動及 宗教交談 (Ecumenical and Interreligious dialogue);
五.  推動聖召 (Vocation)

Our Mission Statements

We strive to lead people to ever more intimate communion with God in the Catholic tradition, and transformed by His Love.

We strive to deepen and renewal our faith through New Evangelization; to achieve Sanctification and Salvation through proclaiming the Good News and serving humanity; and to create a Gospel-inspired culture which attributing primacy to Love, Grace and the Charisms.

We are attentive to the Spirit so that with all of the faithful can actively participate in the governance and guidance of the Catholic Church.

 Copyright (c) 1995-2011 by Emmanuel Apostolatus. All Right Reserved
                                                   Last Updated : 4/13/2011

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